What's Your Next Move?
Visit the link below to learn about what interests you and what careers or majors you might pursue!
Junior Testing
Juniors should take the PSAT’s and then the SAT’s this year. Your SAT scores provide important information to colleges and the PSAT’s offer practice testing that will boost you SAT scores.
- PSAT’s will be held at SHS on January 26th—watch for details.
- SAT’s will be held sometime in the spring. We’ll announce them as soon as we get a date.
How Do Colleges Get My SAT Scores? Click Here
Are You One of The Top 20?
St. Paul's School, a private high school in Concord NH, has a summer program that TOP NH JUNIORS have been attending for years. It’s called the Advanced Studies Program (ASP) and over 5 weeks it gives students a college-like experience, before college. Check it out HERE
Army National Guard
There are many benefits to joining the Army National Guard after high school. You can enroll at 17 and fulfill your Basic Training requirement before graduating high school! After job training, you can start college in the fall. Talk to our recruiter when she comes to lunches or ask your school counselor how to set up an appointment. This can be done during Junior Year!
Contact the Somersworth Army National Guard Recruiting office for more info at (603)717-5679.

Online Career & Personality Quizzes
Still clueless? Pick a number: 1 or 2 for more on-line Career and Personality Tests. (PLEASE print your results and show your counselor!)
Check it out HERE
How do college majors match up with careers?
http://www.udel.edu/csc/mrk.html : A tool to link college majors to career alternatives. Some info is related to the University of Delaware's resources, but most of the descriptive information and links to further resources are excellent.
New England Board of Higher Education
Can't find the major you want in a NH school? You may be able get in-state tuition in a neighboring state! The NEBHE has all the facts.